
Data sources and acknowledgments

This website provides a visualisation of UK parliamentary election results that are freely available on the House of Commons Library website. This data is licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0 .

The author hereby acknowledges the use Parliamentary information. Neither the Licensor nor the author of this website are liable for any errors or omissions in the information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. Neither the Licensor nor the author of this website guarantee the continued supply of the information.

Data for historical UK By Elections is not, insofar as I am aware, available on any government website. The author has scraped this data from Wikipedia pages.

In some cases, the data has clear inconsistencies, especially around variant spellings of the names of constituencies and political parties. I have attempted to remove these insofar as possible. Votes for small parties and independent candidates are unfortunately often not recorded.

Where turnout figures are marked as "estimated", this means that I have been unable to find a figure online. I have estimated the turnout by adding up the number of votes cast for each candidate, meaning that these figures will not include spoiled ballots.

On this website, the term "swing" is used to refer to a hypothetical transfer of vote share from the party which saw the greatest loss of vote share, towards the party which made the greatest gain in vote share. In simple elections with two dominant candidates, this may reflect a genuine transfer of votes from one party to another. In more complicated elections, it may not give a full picture.

All of the charts and tables on this website are © Dominic Ford 2024.

You are licensed to use them under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License.

This means that you are permitted to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially. You may also adapt the material – remix, transform, and build upon it – for any purpose, even commercially.

However, you are required to credit me, Dominic Ford, as the Creator. Furthermore, you must credit the House of Commons Library for the use of UK Parliamentary information under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0.